Day 949 | A Year in Photos


Happy 2017, family + friends! We've enjoyed a week of high-quality socializing in addition to some serious play time with all our new gear. 

We're feeling hopeful and enthusiastic about the year ahead and are looking forward to seeing how 2017 could possibly be any better than 2016. 

To celebrate the greatness that was 2016, I've decided to do a top-15 (10 was just too hard to narrow down) of my favorite photos from this past year. Not my favorite favorite photos. I was inspired to do this after I took the above photo of Robbe yesterday at our New Year's party (he's playing the game Pie Face). The photo brought me such joy that I realized a reflection post was necessary to highlight some of the other images that I felt a special connection to over the past year. You can click on each photo to be directed to it's original post. Enjoy!