Day 21 | Waking Up is Hard To Do

Swaddle busting
Robbe manages to sneak his leg out of the swaddle every time.
Now that it's warm enough, I find it very sweet.
Can you believe I had to wake up both boys this morning? We had a 10:30am doctor appointment which I thought would be no problem but both boys slept until after 8:30am. What?!? I finally went in to stir Chase at around 8:35am and after he was up and dressed we rustled that point it was almost 9:00am!

Why can't they do that when we don't have somewhere to be (i.e. 90% of our mornings)? Don't get me wrong, these boys aren't typically early risers (thank goodness) but I wouldn't mind sleeping until 9:00am once and awhile.