Day 362 | Balance Bike

Today was a rough one. Robbe caught the cold that Chase and I came down with over the weekend. Seems like no big deal, right? A little congestion isn't that big of a deal, right? Well, Robbe begs to differ. Apparently a little congestion combined with teething (two more are so close!) and a desire to suck your thumb makes for difficult sleeping situations. It does make sense.

Let's not dwell on the very limited naps he's had the last two days or the very very limited sleep either of us got last night. Instead, let's smile at the photos of Chase sporting his new [blue] helmet while working on his balance bike skills. He's going to have this thing down by the end of the summer. Mark my words.

Oh, and if it's not too much to ask, think happy thoughts for a better sleep for all of us tonight. I need all the help I can get.