Day 1390 | Dance Competitions


My nieces have been participating in dance competitions forever. It’s been a huge part of their life forever. I’ll be honest that I haven’t always seen the appeal. The make up is a little intense. The costumes sometimes reveal a little too much. The moves are sometimes a little too sultry. Turns out I’m kind of protective when it comes to these young ladies.  

Year later and many competitions under my belt, I get it. It’s not about the costumes or the make up (although they can actually be pretty sweet). It’s about working your tail off and dedicating yourself to something for so long that it becomes instinct. It’s about the friends you meet and the closeness you feel to each other from all the practices and late nights at competition together. It’s about a whole family affair (my brother and sister in law each have their roles at the competition, too), which doesn’t really exist these days. It’s about dealing with the successes and the failures on a constant basis and learning how to keep going when things don’t go your way. 

I’m glad my girls found dance. I still think they are the most beautiful versions of themselves without the makeup and hair and fancy costumes, but I’ve come to appreciate  the dance competition version of them more than I ever thought I would. 

Congratulations on another great competition, ladies. I’m proud of you.