Day 1272 | Holiday Hustling


I'm sorry I've been a terrible blogger this week. I missed two day (TWO DAYS!!) somehow. That's when you know it's been a busy week. That's when you know it's the holidays. All is well, though, and I'm happy to be back at it. 

We had an insanely busy weekend full of holiday fun including cookie decorating, a holiday party, and krumkake rolling with grandpa. Whew.  Every year I get totally sucked into the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season only to get *slightly* overwhelmed and exhausted by it all. That seems normal, right?!? Oh...and it's only December 10th. I better rally for the second half of the season or Christmas Eve is going to be rough!

New podcast episode!

We've got a new episode coming out tomorrow and I realized that I never posted the last one to my site. Eeek! See? I'm *a bit* behind in everything lately. This episode about milestones give a bit of back story (which you probably already know) about Robbe's speech delays and offers an update, too. Give us a listen!


Day 1269 | Holiday Baking Extravaganza


My mom came up after school today for our official holiday baking extravaganza. The goal was three cookies (with two additional crafts added while we waited for cooling + baking) and we nailed it. All the sweets turned out super yummy. Now if only we can manage to have them in the house and not eat them all. That's no joke.

Here are the recipes in case anything's looking too good to resist:

Glazed Little Orange Cookies with Cinnamon and Cloves (I didn't come up with this name)
Pretzel M&M Hugs (although our preference is for round pretzels)
Peanut Butter Blossoms (thanks, Aunt Pam for hooking me on this cookie!)

Happy baking!

Day 1268 | Target Lunch


I may have lived my whole life without ever eating from the Target cafeteria, but sweet Robbe didn't even make it to his fourth birthday. After picking him up from school and running an errand, we were running short on time so it was either eat at Target (which Robbe was also really excited about) or delay nap (which really isn't an option at all). I think we made the right choice. And it was so cheap! ;)

Day 1267 | Warm Winter Weekend


With temperatures hovering around 50 degrees all weekend and some close friends in town to entertain, we enjoyed the opportunity to get out of the house a bit more than usual. The winter parade on Friday night, some downtown shopping yesterday, and some playground and hiking time today. Even after all of that, I still don't think I'm going to be ready for the high of 23 on Tuesday. If it's going to be that cold, there better be snow!

Day 1266 | Breakfast with Santa


Well hello, Santa + Mrs. Claus. The boys were super excited to present their lists to Santa this year. It was a hard decision, but they both managed to come up with their wish list *just* in the knick of time. 

In case you're wondering:

Chase's Santa Letter (Written all on his own for the first time)

Dear Santa,

I would like the Imaginext Pyramid with some pirate stuff, please. 

Thanks and ho ho ho!

Robbe's Santa Letter (with his own signature for the first time)

Dear Santa,

I would like a Playmobil Camping Lodge for Christmas. I would also like a surprise, please. My brother and I have been very good this year. I'm wondering what your reindeer eat.

Merry Christmas!

For past Santa lists, check out these links:

Christmas 2016
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2014

Day 1264 | Students as Teachers


Tonight Chase took on the role of teacher and had to show us (and Grandma and Grandpa G.) around his classroom for the annual Students as Teachers event. When the hour was up, Chase had given us four presentations (for anyone familiar with the Montessori vernacular) and we were impressed and excited about his work in the classroom. We're feeling lucky to have stumbled upon this school. 

Day 1263 | Card Crafting


I bought an adorable card kit (similar to this) on a whim when I was making a return to Michaels and I have to say I'm super impressed with the quality + simplicity of the project (and, because it was on sale, the kit was $3.50 for six cards!). Everything was peel + stick or sprinkle (the flare inside the snow globe). The boys loved that they could actually help with the project (not always the case when we start these types of crafts). Quick, easy, fun, and adorable. I'd highly recommend. 

Day 1257 | Family Fun


We've only been here two days but we're squeezing as much fun out of our visit as possible. Today's activities included a coffee date with Aunt Andi, a lunch date and outing (with ice cream, of course) with just the boys and Grandma Bibi, dressing the Christmas goose (pictured above), an afternoon play date with cousin Eli, dinner + board games with cousin Lily, and a thumb-wrestling training session with Uncle Mike. Oh and there was a ticklefest. An epic ticklefest.