Day 906 | No Longer a Baby


This guy. He never ceases to amaze me.  

First, Robbe dropped thumb sucking totally cold turkey when he turned two (except for an occasional slip at night...which I think is unconscious). Now, he's nailing potty training. Ever since he put on undies for the first time on Friday afternoon, he has had one accident. One. Crazy impressive, right?

He's been toying with the idea of potty training for several months and using the potty when he feels like it. On Friday, I asked him if he wanted to wear undies. He replied, "yes." I told him that he needs to tell me when he needs to use the potty then. I asked him if he understood. He replied, "yes." And that was it. No looking back. 

I would have posted this earlier but I've always been really worried about jinxing my good fortune. I feel three and a half days in is a good enough streak to risk the jinxing. Fingers crossed.

One more note: I've been much more surprised at my bittersweet feelings toward this development all weekend. Since he's our last baby, I feel like I've been much more present for the "lasts" than I was with Chase. His last time nursing, his last time in the swaddle, his last time crawling, etc. I was more present, but I wouldn't say I was much more effected by these transitions. Not this time. For some reason, potty training seems like such a bigger deal. It seems like the last link of his current life back to him as a baby. On Friday, that last link was severed. And that makes me sad. As much as I'm enjoying these ages and would never go back to the bitty baby stage, I guess the fact that my kids are growing up is tugging at my heart more than I anticipated. 

That little guy in the photo above, he's not a baby anymore. Luckily--and this I'll hold onto forever--he'll always be my baby.