Day 1421 | Strawberry Picking


The boys and I were back at it today: berry picking! The temperature was cool, there was a lovely breeze, and there were no bugs (I know, I was surprised, too). The picking wasn’t quite as plentiful as I prefer but we got the berries we needed so no complaints. Ah, summertime in Wisconsin. 

 **Check back tomorrow and I’ll add a couple of links to past berry picking adventures. It’s too late for me to tackle that now. :) 


Day 1418 | Father’s Day


Sometimes Father’s Day and our anniversary lands on the same day. When this happens, it becomes even more apparent to me how lucky to have this man in my life. He’s truly my best friend and the best dad. And I’m not even exaggerating.

Even though Father’s Day this year was harder than any other we’ve lived through, it makes all of us hug each other a bit tighter.   

And an extra special shout out to my dad for all the sacrifices, love, and laughter he’s provided for me over the years. I love you.  

Day 1413 | A Small Family Gathering


After three separate *and huge* family/community events yesterday, I was just too tired to throw together a blog post. The photo above is of my dad's side of the family (he's one of eight siblings) including a very small number of extended family (nine to be exact). All of his siblings, all of their kids, and all of their kids' kids made it to a 90th birthday celebration for my Grandma. It was pretty incredible to see all these people in one photo. And we all really like each other. Isn't that amazing? 

Day 1412 | Crystal Cave


Carpe summer! Some people might decide to take it easy on the first day of summer vacation and ease into a more relaxed existence. Not us! We seized Summer 2018 with a trip to Crystal Cave. The tour of the cave was interesting and informative. The sifting for gems was a big hit. And the company couldn’t be beat. If this is any indicator for the fun in store this summer, it’s going be one for the record books. 

Day 1411 | School’s Out


Summer has officially begun and we're ready. 

Chase had a great last day of school. He was all smiles running around with his little friends at his first-ever last day carnival (he missed it at his school in DC because of this). He loved having his friends and teachers sign his shirt. And he's thrilled about the idea of being a first-grader (eek!) next year. 

Robbe cannot wait for Chase to be home every day. You'd think he's be *a little* bummed about missing out on momma+Robbe time, but he's not. I'm trying not to take it personally because, as Robbe pointed out today, Chase is his best friend. Robbe and I made the most of our final solo morning together, though. Of all the activities I offered (and there were a bunch), Robbe decided to have a coffee/hot cocoa date with daddy at his office and go to the pet store to shop for his uncle's new puppy. Always thinking of others, that one. 

All in all, a great end to a great school year. And now it's summer break. How did that happen?

Day 1410 | Art Portfolio


Chase is bringing lots of stuff home from school these days. Some of the “treasures” are not so awesome. Some of them are, though! He brought home his art portfolio—many are pieces we hadn’t even seen yet—and it’s pretty great. 

Chase has never been the artistic type. Despite many attempts, he just hasn’t been drawn to drawing (see what I did there?). He made some impressive strides this year, though. And, most importantly, he really liked using his creative brain in this way.  

Above are two of my favorite pieces of his collection. The drawing is titled “Landscape” and features Chase and Robbe together. The sculptures are part of his exploration of pottery and are a dinosaur and a broken dinosaur egg (or a bowl), depending on who you ask.  

Day 1405 | Back Home


We're home again. After six days of quality family time, we're back to reality. 

The funeral was exactly what George would have wanted. The music was moving, the priest's message was captivating, and Chris and his brothers' reflections were touching, and funny, and heart-breaking. 

We feel like we've been stuck between two places for the last two months and that continues. As happy as we are to be sleeping in our own beds and tackling our normal routines again, we're still drawn to Chris's home town and especially his mom. I imagine this divide will continue for some time. 

Day 1403 | Fruit


During tough times, it’s nice to feel the love from friends and family. We’ve gotten lots of texts, cards, social media messages, and some friends have dropped off little goodies and even planted some of my garden. And there’s been fruit. Lots of fruit. It’s been a total dream. I love fruit but usually the boys eat so much that there’s nothing left for Chris and me.  Not this week!

Thanks for showing us the love, everyone. You’ve brought sunshine to a gray week.