Day 940 | Family Christmas


To avoid overstimulation and over-accumulatoon of presents at one time, we decided to do our [immediate] family Christmas tonight. Definitely the right decision. We enjoyed the quality four-of-us time and no one was complaining about the sneak peek present opening.

We tried out a new tradition this year: Dollar Store shopping. A couple of weeks ago, we took the boys to the Dollar Store and they could pick out any gifts they wanted for me, Chris, and their brother. With $1 as the price tag on all items, they could be as ridiculous and frivolous as they wanted. What did they select, you might ask?


Dad: Santa salt and pepper shakers (because he likes Christmas and doesn't have any salt and pepper shakers like that)
Mom: A new "cup". Yes, it's a wine glass. No, he doesn't think I'm a wino. We have stemless glasses for wine so he just thought this "cup" was really fancy and selected it because I don't have one like it. Ha!
Robbe: A lego-type ATV (no explanation needed, it's as awesome as it sounds)


Dad: A set of screwdrivers (he really likes to fix things)
Mom: Two pairs of socks (not really sure of the explanation on this one)
Chase: A Skye, from Paw Patrol, 3D puzzle (because he loves puzzles and Paw Patrol...perfect!)

So fun, right? I can't wait to continue the tradition as they get older and more articulate with their purchase explanations. Thanks to Jennie for passing along the idea for the Dollar Store presents! It's a keeper.