Day 853 | A Midwest Thunderstorm


Thunderstorms are not a new thing, you know? DC has thunderstorms just like everywhere else. In the Midwest, though, these storms are no joke. I had kind of forgotten that. There have been a few other days of big storms since we moved but nothing like today.

It's been torrentially raining with crashing claps of thunder most of the afternoon. If you're safe inside with no where to be, man there's nothing better. I was sitting doing some design work while Chase was at school (and safely in an interior bathroom, it turned out) and Robbe was napping, while listening to the rain and enjoying the storm more than I probably should have been. That is, until the sirens started blaring. I thought, "a tornado?!?" and immediately checked the radar to see what was happening. No tornado warning. That's weird, I thought. I kept monitoring things until the sirens stopped and then went back to enjoying the pitter patter of the rain.

When I picked Chase up, his teachers informed me that the sirens blare for thunderstorm warnings here. Got it. Good to know. In fact, they're going off again as I type this. I kept my cool much better this time around.

With two happy and entertained children cutting teeny pieces of paper in front of me (they're really into scissors these days), I'll continue to enjoy the storm...and get off my computer.