Day 1235 | A Class Reunion


Last night was my 15 year class reunion. is that possible? Aside from a rough morning after, I'd say the evening was a big success. I only graduated with about 65 people (most of whom were in my class for all 14 years!) so we weren't expecting a huge crowd, but we had a decent turnout and a fun group. 

And, because this is what I do... 

Five tips for a successful high school reunion

  1. Join the organizing group. I hadn't talked to or seen a lot of my high school classmates since college, so it was nice to be a part of the organizing committee for the reunion so that I had a few friendly faces that I had caught up with before the big show.
  2. Keep it simple. We opted for a low-key pizza buffet at a local restaurant where we could practically take over the whole place. After debating about plated vs. pizza buffet, I think this was the right choice.
  3. Use technology to help, but go old school, too. We were able to use Facebook for most of the planning + organizing purposes. We polled folks several times in hopes of including more people in the decision-making process. In addition, we used Facebook's payment option so classmates could pay online in advance of the night. This way, we didn't have to hound people the night of the party. I will say, that we still had to go old school (phone calls + texts) to make sure everyone was aware of the reunion and we also had a local drop off for money collection.
  4. Music is important. Another detail we debated (kind of obsessively) was whether to rent a sound system. We opted to do it and I'm so glad we did. One of the classmates put together a throw-back playlist which was spot on and the dancing + singing at the end of the evening were definitely some of my favorite moments. 
  5. Relax. When you haven't seen folks in 15 years, you just never know how that initial reunion is going to be. Although I was anxious about how the night would unfold, it ended up being totally relaxed and super enjoyable.