Day 1277 | Giving Back


As we do every year, we've been trying to figure out how to teach giving back this holiday season so it's not all about receiving. Sounds familiar, I'm sure. Part of this lesson is taking an active role in the holiday sharing project through our church. We bought some books for a local elementary school, we donated a couple hats and pairs of mittens to the "mitten tree", and then we picked two gift tags with specific requests for families in need. 

Our selection? Two different tags for kids asking for "doctor stuff". Seems simple enough, right? The doctor stuff for the six year problem. The doctor stuff for the 10 year old...a lot harder. I spent way too much time putting this kit together (the photo at the bottom of the collage above), but at the end of the day I'm happy to be sending the gift onto a deserving kid. Even if she loves it just a little bit, all the work + hunting will be totally worth it.