Day 1335 | Parent/Teacher Conferences


We’re bursting with pride over here. Two parent/teacher conferences today and two glowing reports. Is it just me or does everyone love the opportunity to have focused chatting time with these important people in our children's lives? I love it. 

Let's start with the big guy. His teachers say he's kind, polite, focused, and super smart. No surprises, right? But it's nice to hear from someone who's not related to him. 

And the little guy? His teacher said, and I quote, "I've never had a student make this much progress in such a short amount of time." That. That's an amazing compliment, right? The chart above is evidence to this statement. He entered the classroom in the fall with a Word Level accuracy of just 26%. That's really low, you guys. Now he's understandable at the Word Level 98% of the time. He needed to reach a certain benchmark with the Word Level before moving onto Phrases...and he's at 96% for that after just four months of being assessed. Once he hit the benchmark for Phrases, he graduated to Sentence Level...and he's at 94%. Whoa.

It has been exactly one year since we started this journey down the speech therapy road. To say we are grateful for the expertise and patience that Robbe's current teachers and his original speech therapist have shown him, is beyond understated. These women have given our little man the gift of communication. I can't imagine how different his life (and ours) would be right now if we didn’t trust our gut instinct telling us something was wrong. We're so proud of this little nugget.