Day 1741 | Home Again, Home Again


I made it home to see my crazy cats before bedtime. Woohoo! It was such a good trip, but man, is it nice to be home. I missed my boys (all three of them)—probably more than I should have!

I love that I could be there for my sweet friend (and boss!) as she navigates life as a mom of two. We had a lovely time catching up on a million things with no real agenda all weekend. And, truly, nothing makes me happier than to lighten the loads of new moms. I remember so clearly how hard that time can be and how much of a difference having another set of hands can make.

And now I’m staying home for a bit. I realized that I’ve been gone for a weekend+ trip every month since June. That’s really crazy for me. My jet-setting days are behind me for now. And I’m not complaining about that one bit.