Day 326 | The Price You Pay For Crafting

This is Robbe's hand this morning after yesterday's (that's right, yesterday's) handprint craft. Needless to say, the ink was not "washable" or "kid-friendly" but I really didn't think it would turn my baby into a hulk look-alike.

The saddest part? The ink is only gone on his thumb...where he he has been sucking it. Mother of the year award for allowing my one year old to ingest green ink (it's non-toxic, though!). The pigmentation continued to fade all day, thank goodness, and disappeared after tonight's bath. 

Sometimes you end up with green hands after a good craft. Just the price you pay. 

Side note: Chase's blue ink wiped right off. Thank goodness. The toddler in our house would not have been able to ignore his new skin tone quite as well.