Day 1343 | Our [Four Year Old] Birthday Boy


Today was a different birthday celebration for our little guy than we expected. We did manage to get to Strum for our annual (it's annual now!) birthday breakfast, but our plans to go to the Children's Museum and to attend a Winter Festival at Chase's school got side-tracked because Chase came home from school with a fever. Ugh.

Luckily, Robbe was happy to play with his new toys (SO. MANY. NEW. TOYS.) and lay low watching a movie (what's there to be sad about?). And, we got to have a birthday dinner with both sets of grandparents (for the first time ever). So, even though it wasn't the day that was planned, it was still Robbe's "best day ever" according to him. We'll call it a success. 

In birthday tradition (2016 + 2017)...


  1. He loves Heart Bear. Robbe got a random stuffed bear from his Sunday School teachers for Christmas and he's borderline obsessed with it. He's never been attached to any stuffed animal so this is weird. But also adorable.
  2. He's into drinking tea. Robbe's favorite "special treat" its a good cup of tea. I think it's amazing.
  3. Playmobil and Legos are his current favorite. This is definitely the way to his heart. 
  4. He's a puzzle master. I don't think you could find a better puzzler out there in his age group. He doesn't have any specific strategy (from what I can tell), but man, does he knock it out. 
  5. Photo albums make him happy. I'm old school and still print out hard copy photos and put them in albums that live on a bookshelf in our living room. Robbe loves pulling them down and flipping through the memories. It's really lovely.
  6. He's still feisty about bedtime. It's not nearly as bad as he used to be. I'd say we're 95% back to a peaceful routine, but he still gets *a bit* grumpy and whiney when it's time to turn out the lights. Not great, but knowing where we've come from...I'll take it.
  7. He loves to ham it up. This guy is hysterical. He's got a lot to say and most of the time it's super funny. 
  8. He could live on french toast and pasta pillows (ravioli). Robbe eats just about everything but he definitely prefers these two entrees. 
  9. The scooter is still his favorite mode of transportation. Some things will never change. It's reassuring, really.
  10. Perseverance is his middle name. This year has been a big (HUGE) year for our little man. He quit sucking his thumb at night cold turkey...perseverance. His determination and drive toward verbal communication has been nothing but inspiring...perseverance.

Three year old Robbe was the best. The truest version of him really came out. Before this year, he couldn't express himself. That makes life really hard. This year that changed. Now his thoughts can be verbalized. His jokes can be made. His stories can be told. What a transformation.

I can't wait to see what four year old Robbe has in store for us.