Day 1293 | Baby, It’s Cold Outside


It has been cold. Bitterly cold for the last couple (maybe few?) weeks here in Wisconsin. And, just so you don’t think I’m a total whimp, when I say cold, I mean windchill not above zero. And most days the temperature hasn’t even been above zero. It’s crazy. I can’t remember the last time I was outside longer than the sprint from the house to the car (or vice versa).

The temps did bust into the teens today, though, so I made it a point to walk to an appointment for my the snow. It was cold but totally worth it for the fresh air. I guess I’m ready to retreat indoors for the next stretch of bitterly cold.  

Day 1292 | Welcome, 2018!


I'm not one to set New Year's resolutions, However, I do like to reflect a bit on things as the calendar year ticks over and come up with some areas of my life that could use a little extra attention (that's different than a resolution, right...right?!?). So, here goes. Hopefully 2019 Sara will look back on this list and gain a sense of accomplishment for totally rocking 2018. Optimism!

Room for Improvement List

  • Figure this back thing out. I'm over it. Like, really over it. I'm sure you are, too, as readers. This is the year I'm going to make some changes to give my body some much needed relief. What does that look like? Verdict is still out, but I'm hoping the MRI I have scheduled for next week can shine some light on my path moving forward.
  • Facilitate learning. I've decided to focus more time + energy on Robbe's education while I'm still home with him during the day. Chase was in school five days a week at this age and I feel like I need to be doing more to prepare Robbe for 4K come the fall. My first order of business? A letter a week! Stay tuned for the fun ideas I come up with (fingers crossed). 
  • Home organization. When we moved in (a year a half ago), we realized pretty early in our unpacking process that we had a surplus of closets and storage areas in our new house (don't hate me!). Because of this, when we unpacked we weren't particularly organized when finding homes for some of that random stuff around the house. Now it's starting to annoy me. By the year's end, I will have organized closets. I will! 
  • Savoring the little moments. By "little moments" I don't mean those fleeting times when you're too focused on what's behind you or what's ahead of you (although that's good, too). I mean the moments when our boys are little. Everyone with older kids constantly reminds you how fast the years go by. It actually really annoyed me as a mom when my kids were under two. I was just trying to survive the days so, no, I was not interested in "holding onto those moments". Now, as I look at my 3.5 + 5.5 year olds, I get it. The constant snuggles + smooches, the requests to play, the joyous homecomings (even when I'm gone for less than a half hour), the bedtime routine (which still isn't my favorite part of the day), the books (and books and books) we read, the pure elation when they collect any little prize (perfect timing to be living closer to the grandparents), etc. You get the picture. I can finally say I will be the mom of teenagers looking back at this time fondly. I'm glad we've finally arrived.

There you go. Not resolutions, but some reflection geared toward self-improvement--even if they are the same thing. 

Happy 2018!

Day 1291 | 2017 in Photos


Well, another year comes to an end. 2017 was good to us, but I'm ready for 2018 and all that comes with it. To continue with tradition, take a look at my favorite photos from the blog this past year (click to enlarge the photos). 

To continue the journey down memory lane...

Day 1288 | A Merry Christmas Break


Now that the hustle + bustle of Christmas is through, I'm going to take some time to relax + recover from it all. I'll be back soon (probably before the week is out), but in the mean time enjoy the newest podcast (below). Spoiler: it's a good one.

Celebrating #MomFails

We've all had those moments in parenting that are too funny or too gross or too ridiculous not to share. In this episode, we read all the #MomFails that we've been collecting since the beginning of the season and shed some light on the less-glamourous side of parenting.


Day 1285 | Traditions


Growing up, we went bowling with family every year on Christmas Eve day. Looking back, it was one of my favorite memories from our time visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I never did well (I’m sure you’re surprised) but it was about the perfect way to spend quality time before the big night ahead. 

To continue the tradition, Chris and I took the boys bowling for the first time today (even though it was a day early). It would have been more fun with the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents in tow, but we had a good time nonetheless. And I even won. I know...I’m in shock, too. 

Here’s to continuing traditions! 

Day 1283 | Cookie Decorating


The boys were pretty busy with their train setup downstairs so they couldn’t help with much cookie decorating. I think they each did two. Does it make me a terrible mom that I was completely fine with their lack of interest and genuinely enjoyed frosting in peace and quiet. Sorry not sorry. :)

Although we won’t win any prizes for appearance, the cookies turned out super delicious. At last, we’re ready for Santa. 

Day 1280 | Family Crafting


The girls met us after school for some fun family crafting time. Blue Boxer Arts rocked it with these totally unique image necklaces. Even with our wide age range (Robbe was in attendance, after all), everyone enjoyed the afternoon. I can't wait to do it again sometime. I'd show off the final product, but there *might* be some Christmas presents in the mix so that'll have to be another day.

Day 1279 | Santa Photo


I realized I never posted the official "smiling with Santa" photo from the Santa Claus breakfast. Good thing I remembered! :) 


'Tis the season for travel. In this podcast we share some of the tidbits we've learned over the years about surviving the holidays with kids and even give some *gentle suggestions* for those hosting family or friends with little ones in tow. Enjoy!

Day 1278 | Dollar Tree Shopping Spree


We finally had the chance to do our annual trip to the dollar store for the boys to pick out Christmas presents. If you remember, because everything is so cheap, we give them them free reign to pick out whatever peaks their interest (no questions asked). We expanded their shopping list this year so they were responsible for picking out gifts for our immediate family as well as some of their cousins. I have to say, they made some good choices. We even let them wander on their own (while we were stalking at a safe distance) for the gifts for mom and dad. They were so excited about their newfound independence. 

I'm not going to release the list of results just yet (for obvious reasons), but here's what we ended up with last year in case you're curious. 

Day 1277 | Giving Back


As we do every year, we've been trying to figure out how to teach giving back this holiday season so it's not all about receiving. Sounds familiar, I'm sure. Part of this lesson is taking an active role in the holiday sharing project through our church. We bought some books for a local elementary school, we donated a couple hats and pairs of mittens to the "mitten tree", and then we picked two gift tags with specific requests for families in need. 

Our selection? Two different tags for kids asking for "doctor stuff". Seems simple enough, right? The doctor stuff for the six year problem. The doctor stuff for the 10 year old...a lot harder. I spent way too much time putting this kit together (the photo at the bottom of the collage above), but at the end of the day I'm happy to be sending the gift onto a deserving kid. Even if she loves it just a little bit, all the work + hunting will be totally worth it.